Alok Rajput

Alok is a freelance journalist based in Delhi. He studied sociology at the Center for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University. A trained sociologist, Alok completed his graduation in pharmacy. He often contributes for media portals such as Live Law, The Quint, The Wire. He is interested to report on issues related to government health policies, community health and caste politics of north Indian Hindi-speaking plains.



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July 2024

सरकारी पक्षपात की कीमत चुका रहे हैं हाशिए पर रहने वाले सूअर पालक

गायों में गांठदार (लंपी) त्वचा रोग से तेजी से निपटने वाली सरकार ने देश भर में हो रही सूअरों की मौतों को अनदेखा किया, जिसके कारण दलित और आदिवासी किसान बर्बाद हो रहे थे। सरकार के इस पक्षपाती रवैये ने एक गहरे नीतिगत पूर्वाग्रह को उजागर किया।

July 2024

Pigs and Prejudice: Marginalised Pig Farmers Pay the Price of Government Bias

While swiftly tackling the Lumpy Skin Disease in cows, the government looked the other way as pigs dropped dead across the country, devastating Dalit and tribal farmers and exposing a deep policy bias.

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